Daylight is not only considered as a renewable energy: it is also seen as a structuring element of the project. The specific treatment of direct and diffuse flows, and the integration with artificial light are addressed in close collaboration with the architects, in order to best serve the users requirements.
The DIAL+Lighting software, developed entirely by Estia, is a reference tool for major French engineering firms to simulate daylight factors values and daylighting autonomy.
Some emblematic projects
Mairie de Nicosie, Chypre, arch. Irwin Kriotiki
Bastion Saint-Antoine. Genève, arch. Estar
Université de Lausanne, Rénovation bat. Anthropole.
Nestlé Research Center, Vers chez les Blancs, arch. Bronnimann & Gottreux
Immeuble de Bureau, Rue Saint Martin, Genève, arch. Archespaces
Immeuble de bureau Fusterie Rhône, Genève, arch. Guenin Atelier d'Architectures SA
ITA Roof Projekt, HIB Building, ETHZ, arch. Gramazio / Kohler
CEP, Nyon , arch. Aeby & Pernegger
ACPC, Fribourg, arch. Butikofer, de Oliveira & Vernay
UEFA, Nyon, arch. Bassi-Carella
UBS Pleyad, Saint-Denis, arch. Bleas & Leroy
Business Park Prilly, arch. CCHE
Usine Turbomeca, Pau, France, arch. Brunerie Irissou
Palais Rumine, SIPAL
Musée Abbaye Saint-Vaast Arras, arch. O. Chaslin
Musée Rebeyrolles, Limoges, arch. O. Chaslin
Musée Carnavalet, arch. MAW
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We apologize for not being able to mention here all the projects we have had the privilege and the pleasure to work on.