Building Stock Management
In partnership with EPFL, Estia has developed the Investimmo analysis method, which establishes a new culture in property management.
Its main objective is to establish a multi-year investment strategy and determine, based on criteria set by the owner, what are the buildings to be renovated, how and in what timeframe. The idea is to conduct a multi-criteria analysis to validate the renovation at the strategic level. The MCA is open (each owner can define his own criteria) and can take account of social, environmental, architectural and financial indicators.
Some emblematic projects
Click on the images to access detailed information
• Etat de Neuchâtel
• Ville de Meyrin
• Ville de Morges
• Ville de Vernier
• Ville de Payerne
• Commune de Millevignes
• Cap Prévoyance
• Groupe Leuba
• Migros-Vaud
• Hoptital Intercantonal de la Broye
• Réseau Santé Valais
• etc.
We apologize for not being able to mention here all the projects we have had the privilege and the pleasure to work on.